David A. Deppen, CJF
AFA Certified Journeyman Farrier

5361 Old Route 22
Hamburg, PA 19526-7918

Click here for a map
609-915-6102 [cell]


Dave Deppen, CJF, is an American Farrier Association certified journeyman farrier. He is also a member of the World Champion Blacksmiths (WCB). He holds the office of treasurer at the Pennsylvania Professional Farriers' Association (PPFA), and is active in the regionally oriented Delaware-Maryland-VirginiaFarriers Association (DELMARVA), the Maryland Farriers Association (MFA), and the MidEastern Farrier's Association (MEFA). logo

For more information or to see if I am able to accept new clients at this time,
please email or call me @ 609-915-6102.